Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Low cost one time priced Newletter service

Stuck between a rock and a hard place

Your subscriber base is growing and so is the cost per campaign. Going for the monthly plan means wasting more money if you don't send newsletters regularly enough.

You're stuck. The bigger your subscriber base becomes, the more expensive it is to communicate with them. What if you can send without worrying about cost or deliverability?

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The art of explanation


The Art of Explanation: Making your Ideas, Products, and Services Easier to Understand

Your guide to becoming an explanation specialist.

You've done the hard work. Your product or service works beautifully - but something is missing.  People just don't see the big idea - and it's keeping you from being successful. Your idea has an explanation problem.

The Art of Explanation is for business people, educators and influencers who want to improve their explanation skills and start solving explanation problems.

Author Lee LeFever is the founder of Common Craft, a company known around the world for making complex ideas easy to understand through short animated videos. He is your guide to helping audiences fall in love with your ideas, products or services through better explanations in any medium. 

You will learn to:

  • Plan: Learn explanation basics, what causes them to fail and how to diagnose explanation problems.
  • Package: Using simple elements, create an explanation strategy that builds confidence and motivates your audience. 
  • Present: Produce remarkable explanations with visuals and media.

The Art of Explanation is your invitation to become an explanation specialist and see why explanation is now a fundamental skill for professionals.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Invincible Thinking–Book

Recently I have read the book Invincible Thinking (Vagai Sudum sinthanai -  Tamil translated). This is one of the self motivation kind of book. It seems very popular . I Did not do any ground work of how much popular it is. I just selected it randomly to read when I was searching for motivational books.

I give Personally recommended seal to this book. some examples in this book are really motivating. first few chapters, I found similar to any other motivational book, however I felt interesting to read the book. I don’t know what impressed me to read. Thanks for that power. Final chapter is the one which makes it different from any other book I read ever. If this is your first motivational book then you will definitely like the entire book.

I liked the book cover, less number of pages, Simple to understand concept & Examples that he given for motivation. one of the example l am most impressed is Bamboo tree.

Buy Invincible Thinking 1st Edition: Book


Thursday, 16 May 2013

Learning Android App Programming Training Video

Project-based computer software/IT training videos

Android App Programming Training Video

A Practical Android Training Course That Teaches Real World Skills

In this project-based Learning Android App Programming video tutorial series, you'll quickly have relevant skills for real-world applications.

Follow along with our expert instructor in this training course to get:

  • Concise, informative and broadcast-quality Android App Programming training videos delivered to your desktop
  • The ability to learn at your own pace with our intuitive, easy-to-use interface
  • A quick grasp of even the most complex Android App Programming subjects because they're broken into simple, easy to follow tutorial videos

Practical working files further enhance the learning process and provide a degree of retention that is unmatched by any other form of Android App Programming tutorial, online or offline... so you'll know the exact steps for you

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Creating GUI with GUI builder

Creating GUI is one of the important steps in our project. we found nice tutorial for creating GUI from the website Creating-GUI-with-GUI-Builder-Application from Equalis. The tutorial is for bit older version of Guibuilder. but it is ok. there is no much changes in the latest version of Guibuilder.

Equalis for Scilab supports microchip, neural network and provides scilab tutorial

The Equalis partnership with Scilab changes the industry landscape by combining the world's most popular open source numerical computation platform from Scilab with Equalis' premier modules and end-to-end training, migration, support, consulting and development services to create the only industrial-grade open source solution on the market. Now customers can take advantage of our powerful open source software model without any of the risks.

Equalis Embedded Coder

Equalis Embedded Coder module generates portable C code from Xcos, as well as seamlessly targets Microchip devices.

With Equalis Embedded Coder users are able to quickly develop portable, readable C code directly from their Xcos models automatically without the time consuming task of manual coding. Users can then extend their workflow with specific blocks to efficiently target Microchip devices and boards.

Using this comprehensive solution, engineers experience huge productivity gains in developing both real-time and non-real time systems for simulation, rapid prototyping, and hardware-in-the-loop testing.

The module leverages Xcos as well as the Gen-Auto platform. Gen-Auto is an open-source toolset for converting models to executable program code which was developed as a result of an ITEA project by a European consortium of partners from France, Estonia, Belgium, and Israel.

Equalis Embedded Coder is provided as an optional add-on module to the Equalis Pro Plus solution and leverages our Equalis Advanced Signal Processing, Communication Systems, and Fixed Point premium modules.

Creating GUI with GUI Builder Application

Do you need to use algorithms that mimic the human brain to solve and visualize engineering and science problems? Gain insight from noisy data by leveraging the powerful learning paradigm. Create layered learning networks with complex interconnections.
Gain access to premium functions and palettes with our Pro Plus solution, including: Communication Systems, Control & Power Systems, Fixed Point, GetFEM, Neural Network, and Signal Processing.

Equalis Neural Network ModuleEqualis Neural Network Module

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

PlanToys–children toys

The Homepage itself is very different and attractive. I have seen the toys are creative and would be interesting games for children. They have toys different age groups.
from their about page


For more than 30 years, PlanToys® has been consistently developing its products and activities with a strong commitment that a company could ever made to contribute positively to the world.
Creative child toys

I know how to eat that nasty frog

We have varieties of food. most eat for taste few eat for health and few eat what they get.

you know, the omitting food raw nasty frog that is taken from the pond. I eat that every day for time

not getting it

I read a book how to eat a frog written by brian tracy teaching how to manage the time. He made of dirty frog to the most hardest for the day.

IN your dinning if dirty frog is given for breakfast, would you eat that. no, you wont. same is what we do for hardest, complex works that is very important to us

how to do the initiate and complete the complete task without procrastination. how to manage our time so that we can complete important task on time and enjoy leisure time productively

Here is the list of time wasting tasks we do

- checking the email often. reading the emails as soon outlook informs you.

- facebook.

- too much socializing, on mobile, chat, colleagueswww

Friday, 10 May 2013

Stamina Exercise

The Burpee Sequence
The Step-up Sequence
The Jump Squat

MLDemos Visulalization tool open source

MLDemos is an open-source visualization tool for machine learning algorithms created to help studying and understanding how several algorithms function and how their parameters affect and modify the results in problems of classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, dynamical systems and reward maximization.

Created by Dr. Basilio Noris at the Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory, the development of this program has been aided, supported and sponsored by the following entities, organizations, and groups

Implemented Methods

  • Support Vector Machine (SVM) (C, nu, Pegasos)
  • Relevance Vector Machine (RVM)
  • Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
  • Multi-Layer Perceptron + BackPropagation
  • Gentle AdaBoost + Naive Bayes
  • Approximate K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
  • Gaussian Process Classification (GP)
  • Random Forests
  • Support Vector Regression (SVR)
  • Relevance Vector Regression (RVR)
  • Gaussian Mixture Regression (GMR)
  • MLP + BackProp
  • Approximate KNN
  • Gaussian Process Regression (GPR)
  • Sparse Optimized Gaussian Processes (SOGP)
  • Locally Weighed Scatterplot Smoothing (LOWESS)
  • Locally Weighed Projection Regression (LWPR)
Dynamical Systems
  • LWPR
  • SVR
  • SEDS
  • SOGP (Slow!)
  • MLP
  • KNN
  • Augmented-SVM (ASVM)
  • K-Means
  • Soft K-Means
  • Kernel K-Means
  • K-Means++
  • GMM
  • One Class SVM
  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • Kernel PCA
  • Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
  • Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA)
  • Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
  • Fisher Linear Discriminant
  • EigenFaces to 2D (using PCA)
Reward Maximization (Reinforcement Learning)
  • Random Search
  • Random Walk
  • PoWER
  • Genetic Algorithms (GA)
  • Particle Swarm Optimization
  • Particle Filters
  • Donut
  • Gradient-Free Methods (nlopt)

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Just a Bunch of Crazy Ideas–free book

I like the ideas proposed by the author in this book. It is usually sort of ideas which pops up to every one when we have group discussion and some immediate solution comes to our when we face problems in certain issues. nice book. good to read.

Just a Bunch of Crazy Ideas cover

Please take this opportunity to check out this video testimonial for my book:
This book is about thoughts and ideas on a wide range of subjects. The ideas range from how to modify the game of chess to pursuing space exploration in a way that captures the imagination of the public. New and innovative viewpoints on practical methods to building a space elevator, designing a method to cope with cat litter and some simple ways to conserve energy are presented. Economic themes about the federal debt and defecit are also examined.

Scilab script output to console

Screenshot explains how to output variable value to console after running the script

Sunday, 5 May 2013

picostrain–Strain gauge amplifier IC

The PICOSTRAIN - series

PICOSTRAIN stands for an innovative digital concept to measure strain gages. It sets new benchmarks in weighing technology. The ultra-low current consumption in the range of several µA, not only of the chip but of the sensor, opens up a wide range of new design options to the customer. Smaller batteries, solar cell, and wireless are the key-words that highlight the weighing applications which benefit from PICOSTRAIN.

Although similar, the chips have some distinct differences which are summarized in the following overview table:

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Chanllenges the Blind People wins

how they find coin?
America, India, china and other country
how they write and read?
Before the invention of braille, there was not a reliable independent means of writing for blind people. If a blind person needed something written, it would be dictated to a sighted scribe. Books for the blind were created using embossed print letters. These books were very large and expensive to produce. Reading embossed print letters is a slow and difficult process. Embossed print letters are optimized for recognition by sighted eyes moving across a page, but are difficult to distinguish using fingers brushing across the page. Each letter must be traced individually with the fingers, which is slow and prone to errors.
Braille is optimized for how the brain perceived changes in texture, so the symbols can be smaller and can be read faster and with fewer errors. Braille can be written independently by blind people with a kind of stencil called a slate, or with a braille writer (a typewriter with 7 keys that makes braille letters).

How does the brain process Braille?

Sun, 16th Jan 2011
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Frederik Creemers asked:
How does the brain process Braille? Is it the same as text?
We put this question to Dan Goldreich, associate professor in the Department of  Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour at McMaster University in  Ontario, Canada...
Dan: -  So, to answer your question, we need to understand how the brain processes both touch and language. With respect to touch, when we  move our fingertip over objects such as Braille characters, receptors under the skin produce electrical impulses that race at about 50 meters per second through the nervous system and up towards the  brain.  This pattern of electrical impulses, a sort of neural Morse code, activates a part of the brain's parietal lobe - roughly halfway  between the forehead and the back of the head.  This tactile area of  the parietal lobe helps to decode the neural impulses, in order to  infer the shapes of the objects that touched the skin.
Photograph of a hand reading wood-carved braille code where the word Now, interestingly, in blind people, particularly those blind from birth, touch activates not only this tactile area of the parietal lobe, but also a part of the occipital lobe, in the very back of the head, that is normally reserved for vision. A blind person reading  Braille, then, will experience activation of both the tactile area of the brain and the normally visual area of the brain. This unusually extensive brain activation may underlie the heightened sense of touch in blind people.
However, in reading Braille, the brain must not only perceive the  shapes of the characters, but once it has done so it must understand those shapes as language. This linguistic understanding is probably not occurring in the brain areas I've just mentioned, but rather in the brain's language areas (such as the area of the temporal lobe -  above the ear - called Wernicke's area). So a blind person reading Braille is probably using the same language areas of the brain as a  sighted person would while reading print, and as you are right now as you understand the words that I'm speaking.
So, "Does the mind process text in a different way when reading Braille?" the answer to the question is both yes and no. 
Blind people reading Braille do show an unusually extensive pattern of brain activation but, once the brain perceives the tactile shapes, the subsequently activated brain language areas used to understand the Braille words are probably the same as those used to understand printed or spoken words.
*Finger size can also affect tactile acuity:

Braille - A Language for Blind People

The Braille system was created in 1821 by a Frenchman, Louis Braille. It is a method widely use by blind people to read and write. Each letter or number in Braille is made up of a cell that has six up to raised dots in two rows of three dots each, which means 64 possible combinations. Blind people read Braille by moving their fingers over these cells and feeling the letters and numbers.
Louis Braille became blind himself at the age of three. Hedeveloped the system in order to improve the books he used at school. He changed a code he got from a soldier and made it simple so that everyone could learn it. The creation of Braille opened the door to blind people all over the world.
Louis Braille
Today different Braille codes are used to show letters in different languages. Sets of codes are also used for mathematics and music.
Set of Baille charactersIn Braille, a cell dot pattern gives you the letter to read. The dot height is about 0.5 mm; the space between dots is about 2.5 mm. A standard page in Braille has about 40 – 43 cells per line and about 25 lines. Larger cells are often used by those who have problems feeling the normal Braille cells.
Most languages have two grades of Braille. Grade one is used by beginners. Each letter of the word is spelled out. Grade two Braille is an advanced form. It makes reading and writing quicker because it has special codes for words or groups of letters that are often used in that language. Almost all books use this grade because it saves space and makes reading quicker.
When writing in Braille you need a slate and a stylus in which each dot is created writing from right to left at the back of the page. There are also special Braille keyboards that you can attach to a computer.

A Braille Writer
A Braille writer
Although Braille is thought to be the main way that blind people can read and write, only few people really use it. In Great Britain, for example only about 20,000 out of 2 million visually impaired actually use Braille. Younger people tend to use electronic text on computers instead. A debate has started on how to make Braille more attractive to users.

What's Braille?

Braille is a method of reading by touch that is used by many blind and partially sighted people around the world.
Each Braille character or (cell) is made up of 6 dot positions, arranged in a vertical rectangle of 2 columns of 3 dots each. The six dots of each Braille cell are arranged like the example below to form a letter. The dots are numbered 1 through 6, starting in the upper left corner, going down.
The dots are raised in one of the 64 possible combinations and each combination represents a different letter or sound. The character that each combination represents varies somewhat between languages, but the dot height, cell size and cell spacing are always uniform. Formatting of Braille, however, such as the positioning of main headings, is used in Braille in much the same way, as in print.
This is the basic English Braille alphabet...
how they sense route?
how they dial phone? changing channels in remote?
how they operate computer? how OS customised for Blind people
Learning echolocation
Using echolocation is one of the most striking demonstrations of the way in which people can make more effective use of their sense of hearing.

How Blind People Identify Paper Money

Submitted by Tom on Wed, 02/17/2010 - 09:17
Before you pay for a movie ticket or for a new pair of shoes, you would always make sure you’re handing the seller the right amount. This is really simple, you just have to give a quick look at your money, take out the right amount, and that's it.
But for people who cannot see, this becomes a difficult task. Here, we will talk about the problem faced by blind people, and discuss the possible solutions for this issue.

The Problem with Paper Money

In countries such as the U.S., all denominations of money have similar sizes. This makes it very difficult for blind people to distinguish one denomination from another.

Solutions Done By Governments

Governments have devised a way to help the blind tell apart different money denominations. In countries such as Australia and Malaysia, each denomination of money has a distinct width and length. Along with this, blind people can use a small card device to quickly measure and distinguish money.
Meanwhile, a more specific approach has been done by the Canadian government. In Canada, money is being produced such that there are Braille dots in the bills that represent a specific denomination. Blind people can in turn find the corner containing the Braille dots and read them to know the amount they are holding.

Solutions Done By Blind People

The above steps made by governments can be very helpful, but as we have seen, not all countries have implemented such solutions. So, here are the possible ways which blind people themselves can do to identify money.
Folding Money
Blind people can fold a denomination of money in a particular way. For instance, a $1 bill can be left unfolded. A $5 bill can be folded crosswise. A $10 bill can be folded lengthwise. For larger denominations, combinations of the two previous folding patterns can be used.
This can be a good solution to quickly know the amount of a specific bill. However, blind people have to first depend on sighted persons to tell them the money they are about to fold. Also, blind people may end up having bent and wrinkled paper money. In general, most of us want to keep our bills flat and crisp.
A Wallet with Many Dividers
Wallets with around for to five divisions enable blind people to place each denomination in a separate place. This works most of the time. But it can also become confusing when blind persons would sort through many denominations.
Scanners and Assistive Technology
Blind persons can use a regular scanner and an assistive technology known as a screen reader. To do this, the user would scan the money via the scanner. Then he can let the screen reader speak the text in the money that has been captured by the scanner.
This may be an effective means of identifying money. However, you can only do it at home where you have your scanner and computer. This option would be very hard to do if for instance, you are in a shopping mall and you need to know how much money you have.
Special Software for Mobile Phones
This is one of the newest solutions in the market. The user first has to install a specialized software on his mobile camera phone. Then the user can take a picture of the bill and let the software speak its denomination.
This can be quite convenient, but these software normally recognize only frequently used currencies such as the US dollar. Also, not all mobile phones are compatible with this type of program.
Electronic Money Identifiers
This device is made specially for blind people to distinguish different denominations of money. The user first has to insert the bill into the device or place it near a component of the device. Then it would recognize and speak the bill’s denomination. Certain electronic money identifiers even have vibrating features which are useful for deaf-blind people.
Although these devices may solve the problem, they usually cannot identify bent and wrinkled money. Also, blind people first have to make sure they are inserting or pointing the bill the right way before the device can read it.


Different people use different means of identifying money without seeing it. Each solution has its own pros and cons. Nevertheless, it would certainly help if money, such as the US dollar, can be identified easily just by touching it.